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Holidays and Rituals


Shabbat How-To

Suggestions for families to create engaging Shabbat experiences at home.

God How-To

How to  talk to your child about God

Havdallah How-To

How to do the Havdallah, Saturday evening, Shabbat service.

Tzizit tying ceremony for pre-Bar and Bat Mitzvah students

Interactive parent and student ceremony and how to guide for tying tzizit.

Shabbat Dinner Blessings

For families with younger students


Birkon--New for 2016

One sheet birkon designed for Israel trip


Mahzor Sholom

Mahzor for families with elementary age students. Designed to engage both parents and students in prayers of the high holiday services.



Mahzor Sholom for Students

Mahzor Sholom for students engages elementary age students in the prayers of the high holiday services.



The Great Pesah Mystery

Exploration of the 4 Questions for Pesah in a fun and interactive curriculum



The Unseder

Interactive Pesah board game experience.




The Hebrew Calendar

Interactive Hebrew calendar designed to teach how the phases of the moon affect the Jewish holidays and year. Hebrew calendar and sticker pack.


Erev Shabbat Curriculum

Large concept and image driven curriculum for the Erev Shabbat dinner table experience. For Younger elementary age students.


Haggadah Shelanu

Interactive family centered Haggadah for Seders with participants of all ages.



Haggadah Shelanu Student Version

Haggadah for students to learn how to lead a Passover Seder. Mirrors the concepts and ideas found in Haggadah Shelanu



Omer Counter Sample

A sample of one of the Omer Counters for Sefirat HaOmer. Happy Birds Omer Counter--Ivdu Et Adonai B'Simha

Other samples:

Phinieus and Omer


Stories and Youtube



The Lost Haggadah

Interactive story for Passover Seders

Parasha Stories--New!

Designed as an integrated classroom and take home experience. The stories are written as bedtime stories for families with ECE or Kindergarten age children. Included with each story are guide questions for parents to create dialogue with their child.

Book of Family Blessings

Bedtime story book for parents of young children. Uses the blessings of our tradition to create a bedtime ritual for young families.

Assortment of "How To" and other

YouTube Videos


Sample Curriculum

If you are interested in using one of the sample pieces below, please email me. I have worked with Day Schools and Congregational schools throughout the country to develop custom curricula for their communities.

Click on the images below to view sample pages.




Siddur Sholom Family Service Edition

Created to engage elementary age families in a Shabbat Family Service. Helps families learn how to use the Siddur Sim Shalom.


Siddur Lev Shalom Student Edition

For students in grades 1-2. Engages students in concept driven prayer experiences to gain tefillah skills.


Siddur Sholom Student Edition

For students in grades 5-6. Each gate-folded page is designed to create an "Iyun Tefillah" for either the classroom or prayer environment. Based on the "new" Siddur Sim Sholom

K-2 Family Siddur--Lev Shalom-New 2016

For families with emerging Hebrew readers--this siddur allows families to explore the Shabbat Shaharit service together.

ECE Machzor Companion-New 2016!

This machzor "supplement" is meant to help guide parents in an ECE age service, serve as a follow-up to the service or help instruct a service leader. I have also shared this supplement with participants in a special needs service.

Israel Siddur and Journal-New 2016!

A combination siddur, Israel source book and journal. This siddur includes weekday shaharit, Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv, Shabbat table blessings, songs and birkat hamazom.

Tefillah Adventures-New for 2016

Students create a superhero and comic book to explore prayers of the Shaharit service.


Siddur Sim Sholom Remix 2.0

For students in grades 5-7. Each gate folded page engages the students in "Iyune Tefillah." Based on the "old" Siddur Sim Shalom.


Projected Siddur for a Rosh Hodesh service.

Uses images, colors and conceptual translation to explore the text.


Giant 4ftx4ft Torah For Tots Siddur

Siddur that engages parent and students in an early childhood age service.


Teacher's guide for ECEC service based on the Torah for Tots siddur and experience.


Havdallah Curriculum

Image and concept driven curriculum designed to explore the final service of Shabbat for middle elementary age students.


Tefillah Adventures

Elementary age curriculum that explores the tefillot of the Shaharit service. Students create their own superhero character that engages in the ideas and challenges found in the prayers


Shema Curriculum 

Elementary age curriculum that explores the Shema. Students create their own superhero character that engages in the ideas and challenges found in the prayers



Sefer Yetziat Mitzrayim--Shemot Curriculum

Students explore the text of Shemot, learn how to use a humash and how to "enter" the text and discover personal meaning. For upper elementary age students.


Humash Curriculum

Students learn how to use a humash, look up citations and discover the art of sofrut. This is the introductory curriculum to the other Torah curricula. For middle to upper elementary age students.


The Code--Vayikra Curriculum

Focusing on the Holiness Code in Sefer Vayikra, students explore the ethical teachings from the Torah and how they impact our lives today. For upper elementary age students

Bamidbar--New for 2016

Using QR codes and web quests students explore the parallels between the Torah and current American and Israeli history.

Book of Ruth

Students use the primary sources and commentary to explore Ruth and her teachings about faith and practice. For upper elementary age students.


Beresheet--Lekh Lekha Curriculum

Students explore the text of Beresheet, learn how to use a humash and how to "enter" the text and discover personal meaning. For middle elementary age students.


Beresheet--Va'era Curriculum

Students explore the text of Beresheet, learn how to use a humash and how to "enter" the text and discover personal meaning. For middle elementary age students--continuation of Lekh Lekha curriculum.


Beresheet--Haye Sarah Curriculum

Students explore the text of Beresheet, learn how to use a humash and how to "enter" the text and discover personal meaning. For middle elementary age students--continuation of Lekh Lekha curriculum.

© 2013 Alex Weinberg

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